
Noctlicent Project – Your Technology Partner

“Explore the digital cosmos with ‘Unveiling the World of Domain Names and DNS.’ Today, our spotlight is on Domains. Dive into this informative journey!”

Friend, It’s been a while since our last Newsletter, my attempt at a newsletter; please keep in mind is only for current and previous customers, so for sure, I will overshare. But please, if you like it and know someone who would take advantage of these insights, forward it, subscribe, and follow us on Social Media.

Let’s take the oversharing out of the way. How was the Summer? For us in Quebec, tons of rain, fires, air pollution and more rain. I call it an Irish Summer plus the fires. As you may know, I have a new guest in the house who cries a lot and is super demanding, but he is doing fine. Please don’t be shy to tell me about your Summer or any other news…

So, now, let’s get back to work. Did you get your coffee or tea? This one is lengthy; I know we have worked together at some point. And like this, I hope to provide insights into what to expect, prevent, and be prepared for and, simultaneously, give you tons of geeky references so when we speak again, you will say… Oh, I recognize that term. There he goes with his Geeky stuff again.

  • Demystifying Domain Names and Understanding DNS

Ever wondered how websites are found on the internet? ‘Unveiling the World of Domain Names and DNS,’ domain names are online addresses, simplifying website recall. For example, ‘www.noctilucentproject.com’ directs to my website, currently undergoing a revamp. When you enter a domain name into your browser, behind-the-scenes magic occurs. DNS (Domain Name System), a crucial part of ‘Unveiling the World of Domain Names and DNS,’ functions as the internet’s phonebook, translating domain names into the numeric IP addresses computers comprehend.

  • Why Domain Security Matters… and Let’s All Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Imagine someone taking over your online home – your website. That’s why domain security, a vital aspect of ‘Unveiling the World of Domain Names and DNS,’ is crucial. It safeguards your online presence from potential threats and attacks. Ensure your domain’s safety by selecting robust passwords and enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). These straightforward measures can significantly deter unauthorized access.

     Meet DNS Records: The Best Worker Ever.

Think of DNS records as tiny instructions that guide your internet browser. Different types of records tell your computer where to find websites and where to send emails.

  • Stay Informed

Regularly check your DNS settings and domain records for any unauthorized changes. This can help catch any potential issues early. I have a rule that I implement with all my customers. I’m so glad to share; I take a screenshot of all the Records on the DNS, and every month I revisit the provider and confirm that nothing has changed. When it does, I reverse-engineer that entry to understand the impact and what it is used for. Remember that these days most SaaS and other services have excellent help center articles, and all the information is indexed… So Google IT!!!  and always keep an eye on your TEXT Records, A Records, CNAMEs

So there you go; I had a blast writing this one; It’s simple but informative and gives everyone a better picture of the ins and outs of a domain name and DNS.

“As we conclude our exploration of ‘Unveiling the World of Domain Names and DNS,’ remember the pivotal significance of domains in shaping the digital sphere. Navigate this dynamic world with confidence.”

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